Florida Support Groups
Rock of Refuge Resources & support for families coping with Special Needs offers caring encouragement for parents/caregivers of those with special needs Meets 1st Monday each month 7pm-8:30, just north of Tampa, Florida Victorious Life Church 6224 Old Pasco Rd. Wesley Chapel, FL 33544 813-973-2230 church office Contact : Sheri Nelson 813-996-3366 home E-Mail: RockofRefuge@aol.com "God is my refuge and strength, a very present and well proved help in trouble."Psalms 46:1
Boy Scout Troop for Disabled Boys Hello, I am just writing you to let you know about a special program that my husband and I started for special needs children. It is a boy scout troop for disabled children. Whether physical, mental, developmental or learning disabled all are welcome. It is for boys in Broward and surrounding counties that are 7-18 years old. We will be doing everything the other scouts do just in a modified way to accommodate for their special needs. We are working very closely with: Bill Gilliland, District Executive, South Florida Council, BSA
(954)584-4200 www.sfcbsa.org
We will be having our meetings at 7:00 on Thursdays at the American Legion Post 222. We do require that at least one parent or other responsible adult is present at all times during out meetings and events. For more information or to join please email or call me at: Teresa Julian jtjulian2003@yahoo.com (954) 729-9428
Freedom Ride providing services to Special Needs families We are a NARHA premiere certified facility located in Central Florida and provide therapeutic horseback riding to the disabled and currently have a number of home schooled families involved with our program. We welcome you to join our program. Carl (Cj) Hanlon xecutive Director reedom Ride, Inc. 07.293.0411
H.E.L.P.-Home Educated with Learning Potentials is a new homeschool support group of special needs children and their families. It is an all inclusive and diverse group of parents providing enrichment, socialization, and support for the entire homeschool family. Our members provide advice and friendship to each other through monthly parent information and support meetings. We warmly welcome any homeschool family of a child with learning and/or medical special needs, regardless of homeschooling styles and philosophies. For more information, please contact Judy Greene at email address: jrgreene@ix.netcom.com
The Isaiah Foundation, Inc. is a Christian Ministry that offers respite for parents of special needs children. We provide subsidy, training and case management for families and care givers. We are located in central Florida. The Isaiah Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit organization. We are supported by grants and local contributions. wonisaiah@hotmail.com (352) 804-6809 Web page: Coming Soon |