NewLife Mercy
Maternity Center
A Ministry
Opportunity for You!
Are you looking for an opportunity to share
with an overseas mission, helping them save souls for Christ?
Ministering to birth moms and families is a unique way to share the love of the
Savior. Mercy Maternity Center, in Davao, Philippines, is especially designed to
bring about the love of Christ through a much needed service to parents.
Lives are changed and through the ministry of Newlife
missions over 200 house churches have been planted. Please go to their web site to review their
information about Newlife International School of Midwifery and how they are
training missionary minded families to meet the real needs of the lost.
Newlife Int'l School of Midwifery
P.O. Box 81227
Davao City 8000 Philippines
Stateside Address:
Newlife Int'l School of Midwifery
2511 NE MLK Blvd.
Portland, OR 97212
Tel: 503.493.1301
NewLife Mercy Maternity is requesting your assistance in
purchasing the building that they are already leasing. The owner immigrated to
Canada and has agreed to sell the building very cheaply to Mercy Maternity if
they can come up with the necessary funding. Total purchase price for this huge
building, in great condition is $225,000 US dollars. They have payments every 6
months. Their next payment is due December 14th and will be $20,000.
Your contribution will make an incredible difference in the
lives of mothers and dads that are ministered to everyday.
I did not know what being poor really meant, until I had the
opportunity to share in the very lives of parents who could not even begin to
afford diapers of any kind for their baby.
They are content with their lack. To them having very little is normal. Would
that Christ would be their all in all… Here is a picture of the baby of a
Christian couple that attend a Missionary Alliance Church. This was their first
baby and they were very happy to have someone who loved Jesus share in their
birth experience.
Without Mercy Maternity, their tender care and cleanliness,
her baby might have died, as he was very small (4lbs.). Please consider helping
them today. Send donations to their Oregon address.