The "Perfect" Homeschool Mom? By Jennifer Shaffer
The "Perfect" Home-School Mom? Who is the "perfect" home-school mom? Where and how does she live? Is her husband the "perfect" home-school father who always makes the right choices? What are her children like? What kind of house does she live in? Is it always clean and well organized? The "perfect" home-school mom is one who lifts her eyes to the Lord, the source of her help (Psalm 121). She desires to have a closer relationship to the Lord, to be a Godly woman with a heart of thanksgiving in all things, to be a better helpmeet to her husband, and to be a loving mother to her children. The "perfect" home-school mom may be somewhat (or extraordinarily!) disorganized, but still has the humbleness of mind to say, "I'm having a problem with a certain area of organization. Does anyone have any suggestions which may help me?" The "perfect" home-school mom is one who goes through trials -- difficult trials, fiery trials -- and cries out to the Lord in the midst of them. "Then she cried to the Lord in her trouble, and He saved her from her distress. He brought her out of darkness and the deepest gloom and broke away her chains. Let her give thanks to the Lord for His unfailing love and His wonderful deeds to women" (Psalm 107:13-15 paraphrased). The "perfect" home-school mom is one who is sometimes running, sometimes walking, and sometimes faltering, but who continues to run the race set before her with trust and perseverance of faith. She may become irritated, frustrated, or overwhelmed, but she continues to pray, to seek, and to overcome in the strength of the Lord. The "perfect" home-school mom is one who loves the Lord and her family and will give up many luxuries of time, energy, and money to show that love is a daily way of life. She is human; but she knows Whose she is and "Who is able to keep that which she has committed to Him against that day" (II Timothy 1:12.). The "perfect" home-school mom sees the endless making of meals, the washing of clothes, shopping, cleaning house, and lesson preparation week after week and month after month as work to give back to the Lord with thanksgiving (Col. 3:17). She understands that these chores are not just something to be finished so that she can "get on with life" or "get to the fun things" (a lie of the enemy that our responsibilities are drudgery). Instead, her work builds relationships and character into herself and her dear children as well as developing skills. The "perfect" home-school mom doesn't get depressed when she realizes that she will have to prepare at least 15,000 more meals in her lifetime. She teaches her family by example to rejoice in serving and to be attentive to details. The "perfect" home-school mom talks to the Lord about her husband's weaknesses and talks to her husband about his good qualities. The "perfect" home-school mom realizes she is weak, but knows Who is strong. She learns to rest in the everlasting love of the Lord and knows that it is Him, the Maker of heaven and earth, who will give her His strength, His grace, and His wisdom to press on. The "perfect" heart is not one that does everything right, but one that holds back nothing (not even her inadequacies) from the Lord (Psalm 51). The "perfect" home-school mom has seen the Lord intervene in the mediocrity of daily living, taking an ordinary day and making it extraordinary. Will the "perfect" home-school mom please stand up? Couldn't we all stand? Don't we fit the criteria? Yes! We are "perfect" home-school moms, not because we are able, but because we know that we are unable apart from God's holy grace, and He is able. Circumstances vary from family to family, but the promises of God and His Word never change. They continue, from generation to generation, to be a source of great joy and peace for those who have been called to His Kingdom. "I will run the course set out in Thy commandments, for they gladden the heart." (Psalm 119:32) -- by Naida Gomes. |